Small Publisher Registration



Join the Literary Marketplace!  Register early to maximize promotional opportunities!  Business/Author Profile Link will be sent After Registration:


Type Early Bird

  • $75.00 prior to April 15, 2024
  • $150.00 – Regular Registration


Small Publisher Registration (companies that publish 10 or fewer books per year)includes:

  • Setup Space
  • Social Media Announcement
  • Event Guide listing
  • Books featured in online store as applicable
  • Options to add-on additional services to maximize exposure!
  • Post event store book display by Host Bookseller
  • For a full tent setup, please see Add-On Services

Publishers must provide a logo  in 300 dots per inch (dpi) resolution digital format that may be .jpg or png plus their genre(s), up to 3 electronic book covers, and a short biography of 100 words or less.


Publishers will cover all costs associated with travel, lodging, meals, shipping costs, sales, business licensing fees, tax remittance and any/all other costs associated with participating in the Trinity River Book Festival.


Early price applies until April 14, 2024 Regular registration price applies after April 15, 2024


Please review the add-on for additional marketing and exposure to maximize your business experience at TRBF