Ever since Angela J. Price was young, she has always been fascinated by stories, especially the ones she created and acted out in her many games of playing pretend. However, it wasn’t until she became older that she realized that she could write them out and potentially share them. And so began the many years of stories that were started but never finished. It wasn’t until Angela’s senior year of high school that she would complete her first manuscript, with the sheer purpose of proving to herself that she could create, write and complete a novel. However, her first manuscript would not be her first published novel. Before Angela published her first novel, she obtained her Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Prior to that, she earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English with Secondary Certification from Midwestern States University in Texas. Angela also taught English in both private and public schools before publishing her debut novel, Dancing with Time, at the age of 29. Today, when Angela is not writing and taking care of her dog, Merlin, she is teaching others to read, write and dream.